Tuesday, July 20, 2010

So Here I am, Semi-Agenda'd

So here I am in overcast, soon to be sunny CA, with only a semi agenda. Weekend was spend with my mom. Saw new Karate Kid movie, which was really very good. I came away with a few things: 1. China is a beautiful country full of tragic contrasts. 2. Jackie Chan still has it. 3. An eleven-ish year old boy has more drive in his right pinkie than I have had in my entire body for my entire life.

Drove down the coast yesterday with pauses in Encinitas, a lovely little crunchy granola beach community with a seeming 1:1 ratio of yoga studios and italian restaurants and a fabulous yarn store, San Elijo Beach (because it had free parking and was there), La Jolla (with a pleasant but unintended visit with old friends), and a drive along Windandsea and Pacific Beach. While many San Diegans were cursing on the jampacked freeway, I was driving on a lovely side road, going faster (ok, going 25 but still faster than the freeway and much more pleasant--why did I not do that more when I lived here? Was in too much of a hurry I guess. I think I have gotten over that.) and realizing that I am exceeding glad I was not riding the buses I was passing). Had a great dinner with an old friend (California Pizza Kitchen Mixed Mushroom Pizza which was the shiz), landed safely at my cousin's place with only a few detours (please note, when someone tells you the street is Golden Terrace, it is really Gateside. Just sayin')

Today includes Old Town and Ocean Beach, which my cousin has not been to, and something called Taco Tuesdays, which I'm sure will leave me tonight going "What the he-double-hockey-sticks was I thinking?"

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