Ok, let's see....highlights.....once again, my agenda seems to involve copious amounts of friends and yarn. And finally getting smart enough to put this week's go-to music on one disc rather than flipping through several in the car.
Sunday: I think I found a house for my mom. Hell, if I was looking for a house for me, I'd love this house.
Monday: knit night
Tuesday: Glee. Hearbreaking. Music was eh, acting was outstanding, poor Jaspher was subjected to me jumping and screaming at the TV when one of the songs happened. He found it quite amusing. Not so sure the neighbors did.
Wednesday: went walking, went to Starbucks with Jaspher, B, A, had a most fun evening. Didn't get much knitting done, but good conversation.
Thursday: got to do a walk-through of a local haunted house, Disturbia. It is going to be FREAKIN' AWESOME! Went walking (I do a lot of that-I think Bridge Street wonders who the crazy walking guy is), watched very bizarre episodes of CSI and Mentalist. Malcolm McDowell was on Mentalist and he is still just as strange and creepy as he was in A Clockwork Orange, quite possibly one of the most disturbing movies ever. Warped the loom, hit some sort of strange time war and knocked out a project really fast, almost finished in record time.
Friday: Got to work at the local Haunted Corn Maze. Pretty fun, fairly calm except for the random guy running around chasing people with a chainsaw, and woman who totally cheated during our TV station contest and fleeced us out of a crapton of prizes. But we decided not to raise a fuss, which I think was very smart because at least a few of the people with her were stinking drunk. And about to go running around in a haunted corn maze in the dark. And there was a ton of teenagers there. And people wonder why I don't want to go in the maze. Way too much concentrated stupid.
Today: Artists Market (good day), Candlelight Vigil to remember the GLBT youth who have committed suicide after being bullied and tormented. Very nice ceremony, very nice local news coverage. Readied Mom Room for her visit. Currently eating sugared cereal and drinking tea.
Tomorrow: Day off from one mom to go house shopping for other mom. Will probably decompress at BN. There is an Anthony Bourdain book I am trying to finish.
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