Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Last Few Days

So on Friday, I got to be on Jaspher's favorite radio show, Night Calls on Playboy Radio. The subject matter involved donuts. That's all I'll say, that and take a bite out of life. Saturday I worked at my usual table at Artists Market ( and went to see this AMAZING dance show, Burn the Floor, 90 minutes of the most amazing ballroom you can imagine. See it if you can. Sunday was Croissant French Toast and Bacon Day, and OMFG My Mama is Really Moving Here Day. Monday, despite predictions to the contrary, the world did not end, although it rained like crazy. So...

Our Monday Night Knitting Group was small, like 4 instead of 14. And there is strength in numbers, as in strength enough to attract eavesdroppers but strength enough to keep them at bay. With 4 of us, the religious guy listening in came over to talk to us. Not bad...he asked us a question about what we were discussing (if there is a heaven and an entrance, would biblically sparkling good teenage behavior outweigh biblically-inappropriate grownup behavior). We tried to turn this hypothetical back to him, and poor kid was unable to answer outside of his biblical framework. This made me is one thing, the inability or unwillingness to reason or freethink is another entirely.

Tuesday I got on Playboy Radio Night Calls again, this time asking host about her WonderCon experience. Those girls are awesome, and supergeeks to boot.

Tonight I helped Jaspher shop for Easter stuff for family, ate Chick-fil-a. and watched Sordid Lives, one of the best movies ever. Oh, and helped Jaspher make the ears for my pink bunny night cap to go with my pink bunny pajamas for the PJ party at next weekend's knitting convention. Yes. You heard that right. No, I am not on drugs. Yes, there will be pictures.

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