Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So, since I put this as my blog of my NaNoWriMo profile, I should probably be a little more diligent about updating it. Not that any of you will see my NaNoWriMo right now.

So, yes I voted today, because that is part of the Agenda...being a good citizen and voting. I am proudly wearing my sticker. I encourage everyone who is eligible to get out an vote. Many people fought long and hard for our right to do this. Pay attention to what is happening in this country, and vote for whoever you think will best serve the people.

That said, my day will further consist of a long walk, some spiffy graphic design work, and theoretically a yummy Vietnamese dinner, followed by weaving and writing. If my life had a dull-o-meter, I would be off the scale. If it had a weird-o-meter, though, that would probably be off the scale also, proving it is possible to be weird and dull at the same time.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week so far, and week to come....

Sunday: Off from his mom to look at house for my mom. Went to Florence, which was certifiably eh. Got to house to look at, car locked itself with my keys in it. $50 later a locksmith let me in, and just when he showed up a neighbor came over to get a flyer and told us we should have knocked on his door because he has a slim jim. F**k. Car is not supposed to lock itself. It does randomly, yet another reason I hate my car. Went to Barnes and Noble to decompress, got tea and spent some time writing on computer. J had a lousy day with mom, so day was a whole lot of suck for both of us.

Monday: Work, cool major project for week that I am very excited about. Knitting ok, stayed until almost midnight talking to T, inadvertantly scared a friend due to bizarre circumstances.

Tuesday: Weird encounter with homeless woman. Slightly surreal. Plans for evening predictably got changed. Wound up watching GLEE, going for long walk in the wind, watched lighting storm, came home and had dinner.

Wednesday: Usual Bridge Street walk, meet J for dog grooming, light house cleaning in prep for Mom.

Thursday: Kinsey Sicks! Dragapella Beautyshop Quartet at Merrimack Hall. Should be a riot, can't wait.

Friday: Mom arrives.

Saturday: Mom meets Alabama. Alabama meets Mom.

Sunday: Moms meet. I predict J and I will be mentally curled up in little balls of whimper by 4pm.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week in review

Ok, let's see....highlights.....once again, my agenda seems to involve copious amounts of friends and yarn. And finally getting smart enough to put this week's go-to music on one disc rather than flipping through several in the car.

Sunday: I think I found a house for my mom. Hell, if I was looking for a house for me, I'd love this house.

Monday: knit night

Tuesday: Glee. Hearbreaking. Music was eh, acting was outstanding, poor Jaspher was subjected to me jumping and screaming at the TV when one of the songs happened. He found it quite amusing. Not so sure the neighbors did.

Wednesday: went walking, went to Starbucks with Jaspher, B, A, had a most fun evening. Didn't get much knitting done, but good conversation.

Thursday: got to do a walk-through of a local haunted house, Disturbia. It is going to be FREAKIN' AWESOME! Went walking (I do a lot of that-I think Bridge Street wonders who the crazy walking guy is), watched very bizarre episodes of CSI and Mentalist. Malcolm McDowell was on Mentalist and he is still just as strange and creepy as he was in A Clockwork Orange, quite possibly one of the most disturbing movies ever. Warped the loom, hit some sort of strange time war and knocked out a project really fast, almost finished in record time.

Friday: Got to work at the local Haunted Corn Maze. Pretty fun, fairly calm except for the random guy running around chasing people with a chainsaw, and woman who totally cheated during our TV station contest and fleeced us out of a crapton of prizes. But we decided not to raise a fuss, which I think was very smart because at least a few of the people with her were stinking drunk. And about to go running around in a haunted corn maze in the dark. And there was a ton of teenagers there. And people wonder why I don't want to go in the maze. Way too much concentrated stupid.

Today: Artists Market (good day), Candlelight Vigil to remember the GLBT youth who have committed suicide after being bullied and tormented. Very nice ceremony, very nice local news coverage. Readied Mom Room for her visit. Currently eating sugared cereal and drinking tea.

Tomorrow: Day off from one mom to go house shopping for other mom. Will probably decompress at BN. There is an Anthony Bourdain book I am trying to finish.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

And the week rolls on

Monday: Got stuff accomplished at work with minimum of cussing, got to bank and post office, day was flake-free, went on a nice long walk, got a minimum of knitting done but got some good talk time with friends. Got scolded because apparently a blueberry scone is not dinner. It has bread and fruit and probably milk in it. Not made of suck. I ended the day on a happy camper note. Insomnia improving, was asleep before 1AM.

Tuesday: Got graphics to work the way I wanted them to, a whole bunch, which always makes me happy. My best days are when I get to spent the bulk of the day being creative. Sad day for a good friend, tho. Keeping V and her family in my thoughts. Watched amazing episode of GLEE, although a little too much music, and a song I love was given to totally the wrong person. Once again, Chris Colfer is an AMAZING actor. Loved Matthew Morrison (Will Shuester) also. He walked a difficult tightrope, keeping peace and legality regarding religion in a room full of teenagers in a public school. I have been there, done that and it is damn hard, especially when there is someone evil staring over your shoulder. Had one of those also. Did not get loom warped. but I guess I can do that tomorrow. I am damn tired, which is a good thing. Need to go to bed. I know I had something else pithy and intelligent to say but damned if I can remember it now. Today was again not made of suck or win, but I'd say the scales were balanced towards win.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

This week's predictions

Today-started good, went to pretty damn cool, ending at pretty much suckage. Had a yummy cookie, found a potential house for my mom, got a speed-knit scarf done.

Monday-work should be ok. Evening, we'll see. I am predicting major suck by 7pm to be replaced by pretty cool.

Tuesday-see Monday.

Wednesday-either dog grooming, which will mean lots of driving and grumpy puppies and humans, or Starbucks, which will mean happy caffeinated humans. Low chances of sucky day.

Thursday-If the dogs have not been groomed yet, they get to go then. High chance of major suckage.

Friday-I think I must be the only person who does not look forward to Fridays. and they have a high likelihood of going to shit.

Saturday-Flying Monkey, Candle Light Vigil to take a stand against the bullying of young people for their perceived sexual orientation and gender identity, and to remember the young people who have taken their lives after being subjected to this cruelty.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week Passing

Friday: Not made of suck. Good day overall. Got some really nice graphics done, although one critic was baffled, which is what I get for asking the opinion of someone with OCD who thinks too much. Made it to notary, post office, and courthouse offices in under an hour. Went for a long walk in the lovely lovely fall weather, has a great visit with B, went for another long stroll while I got to listen to B's half of a phone call. Stepped outside of my comfort zone on two occasions, once I got over being utterly terrified of doing so. Was pleased with the outcomes.

Today: Mad dash through small town street fair. Got some swell free stuff, did not take any candy or water from Republicans or church groups. Went to weekly Artists Market I show/work at and did ok today. Got hair cut so I no longer look like a shaggy dog in a not-so-cute way, got 15 pairs of my favorite knitting needles for $15, ate a quesadilla, my version of a grilled cheese sandwich which I eat when I can't think of anything more creative to feed myself.

Tomorrow: looking at houses for my mom.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Week That Was, and Will Be


Sunday: Mom. 'nuff said.

Monday: 50% suck, 50% not suck

Tuesday: 110% AWESOME

Wednesday: 98% MAJOR SUCK, 2% not suck (thank you J, T, D, A)

Today (Thursday): Cannot compute percentages, let's call it a draw

Friday: Not predicting major suck, but we'll see

Saturday: Madison Street Fair, Artist's Market, possible Drumming Party or seeing Giant Baby and Her Parents. Predict day Made of Win.

Sunday: Scouting houses for my mom. Should be most interesting, cannot predict percentages.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

So Let's Go For Week in Review

Since I am relaly bad at telling y'all what I plan to do, how about telling you what I did...

Monday-work, knitting, finished scarf that bears remarkable resemblance to 70's tweed curtains. But someone will love it. In fact, it got a lot of fondling at today's art show.

Tuesday-work and party for work. Took lots of pictures, watched premiere of GLEE (squeee, even though I has already seen it in FOX preview), watched people around me get drunk and funny, was reminded once again why I no longer drink ad have not for over six years.

Wednesday-knitting at a friend's house with much merriment. Group consumption of ice cream and wine (for some), in the case of one person, consumption of wine and ice cream together. Bless my friend A for unbarfing my Ball of Yarn barf, which for you uninitiated means a big tangle of yarn.

Thursday-MACHETE with friend A. A truly awesome Robert Rodriguez splatterfest. Guns, dismemberment, decapitation, and lots of hershey's syrup blood.

Friday-Dinner with friends. The restaurant was verrryyy smart to put us in a semi-private room, as we are neither quiet nor sedate, and our conversation is more appropriate to Denny's at 2am than a yuppie mexican grill at dinnertime. Then knitting with friends, which included commandeering several Big Comfy Chairs at BN. Got a lot done of my Hawaiian Sunset scarf.

Today-Worked at art show, sold a few things, then went to see Resident Evil 4: Afterlife in 3D with friend C. Great escapist action flick. Some very nice use of 3-D effects/ Suspend disbelief and enjoy. Thanks to friend K for babysitting and use of giftcard. Finished evening with long walk. Almost tired now.


Thursday, September 16, 2010


I love days where I feel like I really accomplished something. One of today's accomplishments? Getting Hulu+. I love Hulu, and now I have two more seasons of Chicago Hope to watch, among other things. This makes me happy. I also got a bunch of heavy duty graphics done for work, which I love doing and which look hella sharp.

And....I got to work at a local Oktoberfest event which was....uneventful. Hopefully the rest of the weekend will be busier with more rides working better, although the eight drunk guys on the carousel lugging big pottery beer steins was quite amusing. I suspect there will be many more of those tomorrow and Saturday. MANY more.

Tomorrow should be interesting. Saturday will be chaotic, and I get to sleep in Sunday, which makes me very very happy, I don't get free lunch from mom, but I gt to sleep until 11, which I consider a WIN.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Whatta Week

Just when I thought it could not get any more crazy or busy. This week's agenda includes working a bunch of hours at Oktoberfest. In September. Sponsored by a Major Pizza Chain. Don't even try to figure it out. It also involves trying to figure out how to be in two places at once (an artist's market I show at every Saturday and a craft fair I want to go look around at). I believe that my marvelous partner will help me make this happen by pretending to be me for a while. Because part of the my/our big gay agenda involves....wait for it....helping people who need help! It also also involves a going away party for a dear friend who's big gay agenda involves moving to The Big City, where we hope to go visit.

And I am steeling myself for an impending Mom visit that will lead to a Mom move. I go back and forth between very happy and very "what the heck have I gotten myself into?". I think this is what they make deep breathing for.

The time between the last post and this one has been eventful, some good, some not so much. Some realizing that there are truly awesome people in this world. some realizing that there are more horrid people than I care to admit. And once again, may I please request a brief moratorium on illness, injury, and death of people that we care about? Please? I'm quite tired of bad news of this sort. Thank you.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Saw It, Did It

So. on the agenda today was playing tourist in San Diego. The first stop was a yarn store, which yielded more Noro Taiyo, the yarn I am seriously addicted to. Now onto the good stuff.

My partner-in-crime and I went down to Ocean Beach. First stop: bizarre $2 store with clothes and DVDs and CDs. I could not help wondering where this stuff came from. Then we went to this strange, cool sort of gallery/shop full of Japanese art and antiques...vases and kimonos and netsuke and you-name-it. Got to overhear a conversation in which the very patient counter dude tried repeatedly to explain to the two guys who brought a piece of pottery in that it was Chinese, not Japanese, and he as not an expert on Chinese anything, and could not help them. Again and again. They finally got the hint and left. Poor guy. Next stop was Taco Stand and the guy we have dubbed "Butt-Crack-Guy-With-Bleeding-Tattoo-Guy". He wa on a pause from getting a tattoo on his ribcage worked on and came out for a smoke. His pants were so low he was expoing a good 4" of buttcrack with blood trickling down his side. And he got into an agrument with a guy who ultimately walked away and flipped him off (and I'm pretty sure Angry Dude was someone I knew waaaaay back when).

Next stop was Sunset Cliffs, one of my favorite places in the world. There are these amazing sandstone cliffs that people carve in, names and pictures and whatever else, and when the water comes in over them, it forms natural tidepools. We took a ton of pictures and got lucky because there were a gazillion crabs out, all sizes and colors, including one nomming on the leg of a dead one. Yes, an itty bitty crab eating fresh crab legs.

After we got ice cream and headed out we went to play tourist in the tourist mecca of Old Town San Diego. We walked around, visited a bunch of little touristy shops, and visited a nifty little shop with UV color change stuff, including nail polish that changes from silver glitter to ruby red glitter in sunlight. Dinner was a pile of amazing tacos and chips on homemade tortillas. Two hours later, w headed home. I am a tired camper.

Other highlights:
Dia de los Muertos dolls in the following themes:
Michael Jackson
Drag Queens

and more that I am much to tired to remember now....

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

So Here I am, Semi-Agenda'd

So here I am in overcast, soon to be sunny CA, with only a semi agenda. Weekend was spend with my mom. Saw new Karate Kid movie, which was really very good. I came away with a few things: 1. China is a beautiful country full of tragic contrasts. 2. Jackie Chan still has it. 3. An eleven-ish year old boy has more drive in his right pinkie than I have had in my entire body for my entire life.

Drove down the coast yesterday with pauses in Encinitas, a lovely little crunchy granola beach community with a seeming 1:1 ratio of yoga studios and italian restaurants and a fabulous yarn store, San Elijo Beach (because it had free parking and was there), La Jolla (with a pleasant but unintended visit with old friends), and a drive along Windandsea and Pacific Beach. While many San Diegans were cursing on the jampacked freeway, I was driving on a lovely side road, going faster (ok, going 25 but still faster than the freeway and much more pleasant--why did I not do that more when I lived here? Was in too much of a hurry I guess. I think I have gotten over that.) and realizing that I am exceeding glad I was not riding the buses I was passing). Had a great dinner with an old friend (California Pizza Kitchen Mixed Mushroom Pizza which was the shiz), landed safely at my cousin's place with only a few detours (please note, when someone tells you the street is Golden Terrace, it is really Gateside. Just sayin')

Today includes Old Town and Ocean Beach, which my cousin has not been to, and something called Taco Tuesdays, which I'm sure will leave me tonight going "What the he-double-hockey-sticks was I thinking?"

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thank You Weather Gods

Well, thanks to whoever ordered the storms that rolled through today, I did not get out to pick up my contact lenses, which makes tomorrow's lunch break a bit more hectic than I had planned. Bigger problem....I have no idea what was already planned for it.

Work task list done. Made yummy dinner. Centerpiece was sauteed squash, fresh garden squash (not from my garden...I do not have one....I am not responsible enough) that was almost sugar sweet. Dear Partner is setting up netbook. Found out hat he made for Henry Rollins was delivered...hopefully it will keep his head warm next winter. He is now the proud owner (we hope) of a hat knitted by a genuine homosexual born and raised in Alabama. Yee-haw. Not me. I don't do hats. Too much work, takes too long, and I don't get the whole needles connected by cables thingy.

Another thing on this week's agenda....fire my Fantasy Nascar Team. My standing in my fantasy league is in the toilet. I would like to climb out of the crapper sometime before the Chase begins. If you don't know what I am talking about, you can visit nascar.com. If you don't care what I am talking about, well, phhhhhhhhfffffffffffttttt.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Not The Best Day on Record

A good friend's father suddenly died this morning. Sort of put a damper on the day. Plus my Dear Partner was sidelined with a nasty migraine.

But this is what we have knitters for. Our Monday Night Knitting Group is full of wonderful people who make each other feel a little bit, or a whole lot, better. For these people, and our groupies, I am eternally grateful.

MC, I love you and will miss you, but I am glad you have your family to return to. Take care of each other, and we will see you on your next trip South. Remember that you have people here who adore you.

PS I got my netbook. I can now travel with a computer that is slightly lighter and smaller than my at-home brick. Tomorrow is laying out and pre-packing for trip. Sort of feel guilty about squeeing when one of my friends is hurting, but MC will understand. SQUEEEEEEEEE!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another One Bites the Dust

Today was a mix of fail (other people's) and wins (mine):

Lunch: I ordered chopped steak with peppers and cheese, add mushrooms, no onions, no seasoning. I specifically said I am allergic to pepper, black pepper, so no seasoning. And.....I get a chopped steak glowing with seasoning, pepper, no cheese, and a bowl of highly spiced marinated mushrooms. Mom's stir-fry? Raw veggies barely warmed. Goddess bless the waitress and manager who comped the meals. I mean, it's one thing to get something a little wrong. But that was epic FAIL.

Shopping: Sundays at WalMart. This is pretty much a family tradition not to mention an acceptable social outing in the South. WIN on work shirts I had been hunting for, plus a few other items.

At mom's: I HAD A RED POPSICLE. WIN. This just sort of made my day. Oh, and we found cool stuff on side of the road junk piles throughout the day, for us and friends.

At home: made four kinds of nut candy after giving the turtle his weekly de-algae-ing scrub. He just sits in my hand and lets me go at him with a kiddie toothbrush. WIN.

Upcoming vacation: Usually I have to leave San Diego on Sunday morning. This year at Comic-con, the GLEE (my favorite TV show) presentation is on Sunday, which would usually mean a lot of cussing from me. BUT, since I am on a red-eye out, I get to see the GLEE panel, even if I have to camp on a chair in the room and knit for three hours to make sure I have a seat. BIG TIME WIN.

So to sum up today's gay agenda....eat, shop, pick stuff up off side of road to reuse/repurpose, cook, squee. Take that, haters.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I ---- you, tomorrow....

Today was good. People bought my goodies at the arts/crafts show. I got my new laptop. Waiting on netbook for next week's sales. Decided BN was not the place to be. Got lunch (thank you Atlanta Bread Company for pretending I was 12 and selling me a nummy kid's meal) and went backpack shopping.

You see, five years ago I bought a backpack for $5 on clearance at Hot Topic. I did not care that it as Linkin Park (who I like, but not enough to buy their merch). I cared that it was big, black, and heavy canvas. 5 years and numerous travels later, plus much daily use hauling everything from books to yarn, it is dying. I don't believe it will survive my upcoming trip, not with a daily 15lbs of stuff in it and my usual rough-ish handling. Two pockets are torn, one strap is about to come off. I will get it repaired, but in the meantime I found a new bag with nearly as many nooks and crannies. A little smaller and much pricier, tho, without the coolness of bring from the 50% off the 50% price Clearance rack.

Also, I discovered Target with 75% off a bunch of their dollar stuff. I am now in possession of several months worth of batteries and plastic bowls (not to be used together), leashes for a local animal shelter, and toys for a local kids tutoring center. So I guess that sort of makes up for paying full price for something else, which I positively LOATHE doing. A local guy recommended a military surplus store for a backpack, but this is Alabama. In California I'd think nothing of it, but here those places scare me. For real.

My partner spent the day dyeing yarn and came home with some lovely work and with a minimum of vinegar stink, for which I am very grateful.

Tomorrow is Mom day, my last one for two weeks, and we were off most of last Sunday and 1/2 of the Sunday before, so tomorrow should be interesting, and I hope relatively drama-free. I see my mom next weekend, which is always an adventure. I will have seen her three times in the last 10 months, which is a record for the last 18 years. 2 times per year used to be the norm.

See kids? Once again, the homo proves to be ridiculously normal.

On Queue for Today

Art Show at the The Flying Monkey if I ever get off the computer (flyingmonkeyarts.org), get new laptop, go sit in BN and read a new hardback in my favorite series (the Pendergast books by Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child) that I am too cheap to buy. Big gay...I mean big DAY.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Non-Fail Day

So, the library did not completely fail me on music today, although they were lacking in Aerosmith and KISS, which I desperately needed. The post office was reasonably fast and I got Sweet, although the 70cents for delivery confirmation was a nasty surprise. But worth it, to make sure that Neil Patrick Harris's socks and hat and scarf and Henry Rollins's hat at least get delivered. Yes, you read that right. NPH tweeted that he wanted socks (among other things) for his birthday, and our knitting group delivered three pairs, plus a hat and an Alabama scarf, not because I am a particular Bama fan, but because it was in my inventory and the package is from, well, Alabama.

Then there was the case of The Graphic That Just Would Not Cooperate Due To A Program Turning My Lovely HTML Into Spaghetti Code But Finally Submitted to My Will, followed by a trip to the gym and a chat with the only person I like who works there, who convinced me to at least come back until my paid contract runs out and offered to run interference if the meatheads there give me trouble.

Night ended with a yummy dinner of steak and baked potato. I should be knitting or crafting but I am just not feeling it.

Ah, the Post Office

On today's agenda are trips to the post office, bank, and library.

The bank I can handle. The post office, depends on who is there. My regular location has three clerks-Sweet, Surly, and Senile, but since packages have to fly ( Henry Rollins and NPH, check your mailbozes in the next few days) and I am too cheap to UPS, I deal with it. I also have to go to the library, where I live in fear of Doddering Old Guy Who Works in CD Area And Always Wants To Walk When I Just Want To Search Music And Be Left Alone.

I am smart. I travel with a book, which helps when the PO is overrun, which is usually when I am there, doesn't matter what time I go. I'm tempted to wear headphones to the library, but I hate being That Guy, the one who wears headphones in a veiled attempt to block out people, but you gotta understand, this guy is really annoying. But at least I am rewarded with the smells.

Old post offices and libraries of all ages have that smell. You know it if you've ever been in one. I wonder if it comes pre-bottled and they pay the janitors to spritz it around. They are going to have to, if all the gloom-and-doomers who are predicting the end of books and postal service are proved right. Can you imagine a world without the musty scents of old books and cardboard boxes?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

So What's Happening Today

You know, I think I need to enter this.


I have duct tape. And knitting needles. And yarn. And while I am lacking in beer cans and other manly decor, someone has to represent the sneaky crafty gays who sit on their arses and channel surf, doncha think?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Inaugural Post

So, my hope and dream is that some day some right-wing nut job will find my big gay agenda and be sorely, sadly disappointed that it is filled with such mundane things as working, knitting, going to art shows, cooking, reading books, playing with my animals, hanging out with my partner and our friends, and other things that are so mind-numbingly ordinary that their poor little brains just can't deal (ok, occasionally there may be a picture of me in a yarn wig, but trust me, that's a fluke, not a scheme).

See, I'll let you in on a little secret. Either The Big Gay Mafia is not letting us little homosexuals in on all the details, or we are otherwise missing the boat. An Alabama politician recently accused gays of attacking the courts. I never got the message, and like most of my brethren, I was probably too busy trying to earn a paycheck to play pit bull at a some courthouse.

Fact of the matter is, my Big Gay Agenda is probably no different from most gay (and straight) people's....live decently, have some fun, get some sleep, try not to do bad things. I'll try to post regularly, really I will. Because really, the whole world needs to know about The Big Gay Agenda. Really.